Creative contests announced to honour the majestic snow leopard
08. 2021

UNDP in Uzbekistan announces three ways to win prizes while safeguarding a national treasure.

Powerful, captivating and incredibly vulnerable to poaching and loss of prey, snow leopards are sparsely distributed across 12 countries in central Asia, and are usually found in high, rugged mountain landscapes at high elevations. Established in 2014, the world celebrates Snow Leopard Day each year on 23 October to acknowledge these endangered felines and to raise awareness for their conservation and protection. Snow leopards are listed as “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List (2000) and are included in the Red Book of Uzbekistan for their protection. They also are protected under Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

To make the occasion this year, the United Nations Development Programme in Uzbekistan has announced a few contests for environmentalists, teachers, psychologists, university students, creators and developers of creative educational materials for children and NGOs. The main purpose and task of the competition is to develop a learning material for children in the form of 3D picture (box) that will inform them about mountains, forests, protected areas and inhabited species under protection.


CONTEST 1: Developing appreciation for natural resources, fauna and flora

The 3D biodiversity box may include various areas of biodiversity and mountain ecosystems conservation, and the pictures should convey a learning idea. The more interesting, informative and creative the presentation of 3D pictures, the more likely it is to win a prize for the first place. The results of the contest will be finalized by 23 October 2021, dedicated to the International Snow Leopard Day.

To take part in the contest, applicants need to shoot a video confirming their work and idea. Post your video on your Instagram profile, under the hashtag #узбснежныйбарс2021. During the award ceremony, 3D boxes will be presented to the participants. The winners will be selected through the expert assessment of the materials by an independent selection panel.

– 1st place: DELL Latitude 7300 Laptop + Amazfit GTS Obsidian Black Smartwatch + souvenirs.

– 2nd place: Samsung Galaxy tab S6 Tablet + Amazfit GTS Obsidian Black Smartwatch + souvenirs.

– 3rd place: Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Smartphone + Amazfit GTS Obsidian Black Smartwatch + souvenirs.

Criteria/terms: The size of the 3D box shall not exceed 50 cm in length, height and width. The 3D box may be in the form of a square or rectangle. The use of paints is at the contestant’s discretion and creativity. The descriptive text of the 3D box can be placed inside the box if it allows, or can be provided separately in Russian, Uzbek or English. To take part in the contest, you need to shoot a video confirming your work and idea. Post your video on your Instagram/Facebook profile, under the hashtag #узбснежныйбарс2021, and indicate your contact information. During the award ceremony, 3D boxes will be presented to the participants. The winners will be selected through the expert assessment of the materials by an independent selection panel.

Eligible participants: environmentalists, teachers, students, psychologists, creators and developers of creative educational materials for children, NGOs. There is no age limit. Coverage of the contest - throughout Uzbekistan (Republic of Karakalpakstan, cities and districts of all regions, city of Tashkent).

Deadline: 15 September 2021


CONTEST 2: Art Contest, “Together through unity and solidarity we will protect our nature”

This contest is for children’s aged between 10 and 15. The art work should be done on a Whatman paper, and it is up to the author how to paint it. The topic that participants should describe in their works is the solution to the environmental problem – protection of endangered species of animals inhabiting in Uzbekistan, in particular the snow leopard, ibex, or marmot. The approach to the topic, creativity, idea and, of course, the solution to the problem through the eyes of a child will be evaluated in this contest. Participants should post their paintings on social pages under the hashtag #узбснежныйбарс2021 and indicate their contact details.

The paintings will be judged by members of a selection panel - who care about the protection of nature and wildlife - by voting. The profiles of the contestants must be open, and the name and surname must be indicated. There will be three prizes to be awarded by the selection panel, in addition to the incentive prizes. The winners will be selected through the expert assessment of the materials by an independent selection panel.

– 1st place: DELL Latitude 7300 Laptop + Amazfit GTS Obsidian Black Smartwatch + Young Artist Kit + souvenirs.

– 2nd place: Samsung Galaxy tab S6 Tablet + Amazfit GTS Obsidian Black Smartwatch + Young Artist Kit + souvenirs.

– 3rd place: Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Smartphone + Amazfit GTS Obsidian Black Smartwatch + Young Artist Kit + souvenirs.

Terms: Contestants should post their pictures on social media pages under the hashtag #узбснежныйбарс2021 and indicate their contact information. The profiles of the participants must be open, and the name and surname must also be indicated.

Participants: Children aged 10-15 years old. Coverage of the contest - throughout Uzbekistan (Republic of Karakalpakstan, cities and districts of all regions, city of Tashkent).

Deadline: 10 September 2021


CONTEST 3: Video competition

This third contest is open to anyone regardless of age and profession. To enter the contest, participants should shoot and post on their personal pages a video on the conservation of the snow leopard, its main prey and habitats. The video can be of any format, from documentary to amateur (informative text behind the scenes, timing is maximum 3 minutes). The more interesting, informative and creative the video, the more likely it is to win a prize from the organizers. The winners will be selected through the expert assessment of the materials by an independent selection panel. All works will also be checked for plagiarism.

– 1st place: Sony A7 III Camera + Amazfit GTS Obsidian Black Smartwatch + souvenirs.

– 2nd place: DELL Latitude 7300 Laptop + Amazfit GTS Obsidian Black Smartwatch + souvenirs.

– 3rd place: Samsung Galaxy tab S6 Tablet + Amazfit GTS Obsidian Black Smartwatch + souvenirs.

Criteria/terms: The contest is open to anyone regardless of age and profession. The video can be of any format, from documentary to amateur, with a maximum duration of 3 minutes in Russian, Uzbek or English. The more interesting, informative and creative is the video, the more likely it is to become a winner and win a prize from the organizers. Contestants should shoot a video and post it on their personal pages in social media under the hashtag #узбснежныйбарс2021 and indicate their contact information. Main criteria: the video can be filmed on a smartphone or on a professional or amateur camera. You can insert various pictures of animals when needed, as well as informational text behind the scenes.

Participants: Anyone who cares about nature. There is no age limit. Coverage of the contest - throughout Uzbekistan (Republic of Karakalpakstan, cities and districts of all regions, city of Tashkent).

Deadline: 15 September2021.


Selection panel members: The selection panel is composed of the representatives of the State Committee on Ecology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Public Education, bloggers, NGOs, UNDP and other organizations.

Terms: Contest materials must not contain advertising information or information distribution of which is prohibited or restricted in Uzbekistan. Contest materials containing such information will not be considered!


MATERIALS USAGE RIGHTS: The organizers reserve the right to distribute, duplicate, copy, publish and use the received materials. The organizers and partners, for their part, undertake to indicate the author of the material in their publications.


On 25 October 2021, when winners are determined, an official award ceremony will be organized with the participation of representatives of the State Committee on Ecology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, NGOs, UNDP in Uzbekistan, diplomatic missions in Uzbekistan, mass media and other guests.


For further info and media queries, please contact:

Elena Turaeva,

tel: (+998) 93 5015630



Information Service of the State committee
of the Republic of Uzbekistan on ecology
and environmental protection



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