A moratorium on the extraction of non-metallic materials in several riverbeds is coming into force!
04. 2024

From May 1, 2024, an indefinite moratorium on the extraction of non-metallic materials in the beds of the Chirchik, Sanzar, Zarafshan, Naryn, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, and Syrdarya rivers has been introduced.

This is provided for by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-14 dated January 17 of this year, "On measures to streamline the extraction of non-metallic materials in reservoirs".

According to the decree, business entities are prohibited from mining sand and gravel in the above-mentioned riverbeds. It is also prohibited to conclude contracts and issue licenses for the extraction of non-metallic materials in the beds of these rivers. The activities of business entities extracting sand and gravel in the territories declared by the moratorium will now be directed to alternative mining sites located in mountainous or foothill areas.


During the period of the moratorium, the amount of compensation for damage caused to nature as a result of the illegal extraction of sand and gravel materials increases 10 times.

The Ministry of Ecology and its regional units regularly conduct raids to combat illegal mining of sand and gravel materials. Any violation in this direction will be punished!

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