Several violations of the law have been revealed in the activities of hunting farms
07. 2024

The Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change has identified several violations of the law in the activities of hunting farms.

In particular, contrary to the requirements of Article 19 of the Law "On Hunting and Hunting Economy", none of the 37 hunting farms of the Sports Association of Hunters and Fishers of Uzbekistan have established nurseries and reproduction sites for wild animals on a total area of 695 thousand hectares.

Also, by Article 34 of the law, the association did not pay for the use of 695 thousand hectares of hunting grounds. In addition, in violation of Article 32 of the law, the boundaries of hunting farms have not been established, a description of the reproduction area closed to hunting (at least 10% of the total area of the hunting farm) has not been defined and organized, routes in hunting farms have not been determined, and a map of the territory of the hunting farm indicating the location of the reproduction area, cordons, and other objects. As a result of these shortcomings, hunting was carried out outside the designated territories, in areas close to populated areas. 

For example, there are no supporting documents (the corresponding decision of the khokim) on joining the Association of Hunting Grounds and other land plots with a total area of 178 thousand hectares in the territory of the Syrdarya region. There is also no reproduction area closed for hunting (at least 10% of the total area of the hunting farm, i.e., 17.8 thousand hectares). The land plot for farming owned by the department is 18.8 hectares.

In addition, it turned out that the association did not create sufficient conditions for hunters on hunting farms. In particular, 37 hunting farms have not created premises for the safe storage of weapons, facilities for processing and storing hunting products that meet sanitary requirements, standard-compliant facilities for hunters, and a fire safety corner. The hunting farms belonging to the Association, located only in the Jizzakh and Navoi regions (around the Aidar-Arnasai lake system), do not meet the requirements of safety, sanitation, and hygiene. As a result, there is a high probability of the spread of various infectious diseases from hunting products and wild animals.

Hunting farm "Kumsultan" of the Sports Association of Hunters and Fishermen of Uzbekistan, Bukhara region

Hunting farm "Aidar-Arnasai" of the Sports Association of Hunters and Fishers of Uzbekistan, Navoi region

Hunting farm "Aidar-Arnasai" of the Sports Association of Hunters and Fishers of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh region


For information: about 38 thousand hunters who are members of the Association annually pay membership fees in the amount of about 15 billion sums.

All materials related to the above violations of the law have been transferred to law enforcement agencies, and a legal assessment is being conducted today.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to study the foreign experience of organizing hunting farms in foreign countries. For example, in countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, Latvia, and Belarus, modern hunting farms have the following infrastructure facilities:

— hunter reception point;
— places where hunting weapons are stored;
— modular hotels, glamping sites, reservoirs, hunting towers;
— premises for processing and storage of hunting products;
— areas of reproduction of wild animals (nurseries and areas of natural reproduction);
— the necessary infrastructure and material and technical base for the activities of the hunting industry.

For example, the "Krasny Bor" forest hunting farm in Belarus offers more than 30 tourist services, including jeep safaris, sports shooting, horseback riding, kayaking, hunting services, sports games, and others. We should have the same experience.


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