Day of Preserves and National Parks
10. 2023

The Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks was established in 1997 on the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund. Employees of nature reserves and national parks try to preserve the genetic fund of plants and animals, conduct research, and control the prevention of poachers into protected areas.

Currently, the state has defined a system of protected natural areas in Uzbekistan. This system includes:

6 nature reserves with strict security regime;

7 national parks;

1 nursery for breeding goitered gazelles – eco-center “Dzheyran”;

10 reserves operating at one level or another;

  12 state natural monuments;

2 biosphere reserves (Ugam-Chatkol State Biosphere Reserve, Decision No. 1062 of December 31, 2018, Nizhne-Amu Darya State Biosphere Reserve. By Decision of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 26, 2011 No. PKM-243, the Badai-Tugai State Reserve was created.

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