October 6 World Habitat day
01. 2019

 Every year on October 6, World Habitats Protection Day is celebrated around the world - an international holiday designed to attract the attention of mankind to the problem of preserving the habitat of the fauna of the planet Earth. This holiday was established in 1979 under the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitat.

But the uncontrolled intervention of man in the laws and territories of nature led to the irreversible disappearance of hundreds of animal and plant species. For 19 centuries of our era, 150 species of mammals, mostly large, and 139 species of birds disappeared on the globe. And these numbers are not recent, today many species of the animal world are on the verge of complete extinction. But each disappeared species is a very tangible and irreplaceable lose.

Therefore, within the framework of the Day, various environmental organizations are holding various events around the world, urging the entire world community to think about the need for careful treatment and preservation of the natural wealth of our planet, as well as to create all the necessary conditions for preserving the unique habitats that the year is getting less and less.

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