On March 11, a presentation of the Strategy for Youth Involvement in the Climate Agenda was held in the building of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change. The event was attended by Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change Aziz Abdukhakimov, head of the Volunteer Association Shirin Abidova, Chairman of the International Educational Platform on Climate Change "Climatescience" Michael Becklund, screenwriter and author of children's books in the series "Time of Heroes" Madina Muminova, media representatives, and others.
A strategy for involving young people in the climate agenda was presented at the event. The participants were presented with projects implemented by the Ministry together with partner organizations and creative works by independent eco-activists reflecting the ideas of upcycling (recycling) and the concept of responsible consumption.
"The inclusion of young people in the process of developing and implementing all our strategies and programs is a key point in our work. Because young people are the driving force of change, and it is their energy, activity, and creativity that are of key importance in shaping a future with sustainability and green prospects", said Aziz Abdukhakimov.
The Ministry's youth strategy included three priority areas: an institutional mechanism for engagement, calendar eco-activities, and the promotion of education in the field of climate science and ecology. The institutional mechanism of involvement implies the creation of a Youth Council of 75 people, the appointment of 14 environmental ambassadors from all regions of the country, and the creation of eco-committees of the children's eco-movement "Little Heroes". According to the calendar of events, the Ministry, together with partners, will organize the EduCo Festival, Clean Games, Diving, Eco-Awards, and other events this year.
As part of the implementation of projects envisaged in the Strategy with Youth, a Memorandum was signed between the Ministry of Ecology and the Association of Volunteers of Uzbekistan. This strategy includes projects such as the Youth Environmental Ambassadors Program, which has already selected active young leaders from all regions of Uzbekistan using the open-call method. These leaders will develop regional maps of environmental problems with the support of the Youth Council under the Ministry of Ecology.
During the event, information was provided on the successful initiatives of the Ministry aimed at supporting environmental education among children and youth. Organized charity trips to regional schools with the distribution of books on ecology in Braille became one such example. The solemn ceremony "Little Eco-Hero" highlighted outstanding children who are actively involved in the children's environmental movement, recognizing their contribution to nature conservation.
During the event, there was also a presentation of such projects as Upcycling.uz (https://Upcycling.uz/) , Ecojonlab, and Swap Market.
For information: Upcycling.uz (https://Upcycling.uz/)– a creative transformation of old things. This trend has stimulated the emergence of new brands and designers who seek to give a second life to outdated items, turning them into stylish and comfortable clothes, thereby contributing to the preservation of the environment. The Swap Bozor project is an initiative based on environmental awareness and principles of responsible consumption. This project encourages the exchange of goods, contributing not only to the reduction of waste and the promotion of a sustainable lifestyle but also to the formation of a community where environmental responsibility and mutual assistance are valued.